What color is your auth? OAuth2 with Clojure and Temporal

Oauth2 has become the dominant authentication mechanism for Web APIs. It is more secure than than API keys since the user is involved in the login flow and since the tokens it produces are short-lived.

Tech giants like Google and Amazon rely on OAuth2 to gatekeep access to their immense fleet of APIs. The trend is likely to continue as second authentication factors, passkeys or biometrics become more important, and as users demand more data interoperability across platforms.

OAuth2 is simple in principle, but a bit tricky to implement. This is because its main authentication flow, called the authorization code flow, is callback-driven. This makes it hard to write scripts or applications that run in the background. In Web apps that can handle callbacks, it can result in poor separation of concerns and brittle code.

Over the last few weeks, I have been checking out HappyAPI, by Timothy Pratley. This newly released Clojure library simplifies authentication with OAuth2 APIs, without relying on Java SDKs for each provider. The library uses code generation to turn API specifications into runnable requests. In this way, it is aligned with the trend towards data-driven libraries, like malli, reitit, among others.

HappyAPI handles an OAuth2 authentication flow, described in further detail below, entirely through middleware. When the library user makes an API request, it will authenticate (or refresh an existing authentication) in its middleware chain.

It handles the asynchronous authorization code grant by starting up an internal Web server, waiting for an authorization code from the provider, and then shutting it down.

I was surprised the first time I tried it and found it “just worked”, having implemented similar flows before with some amount of trial and error. I think part of the reason it works surprisingly well is that its middleware stack is guaranteed to either return an authentication token or an error. It will block on the code exchange until it gets called back.

When I tried using this library in a Web application, though, I found that it was hard to keep the appealing simplicity of the original.

I hoped to find a better solution in the async arity of the middleware functions. What this a case of selecting the right function “color”, and making everything asynchronous?

I was quickly disabused of this notion when I considered realistic user behavior: we have to wait for the user to authenticate outside our application, and when they return pick up where we left off. They might never return, they might return with credentials, or they might return without them. If we dedicate a thread to waiting for them, it won’t be a scalable solution. If we try to do it all async, we lose the user and can’t handle their return. If our Web service has more than one instance, it won’t work.

Both sync and async auth have a problem. Looks like auth comes in a few more “colors”! Before we describe them, let’s look at the tried and tested way of solving this.

The Durable Workflow Pattern

In a robust Web service we have to deal with storing state. This state consists of models of our application domain - things like users, posts, comments, whatever - and some state that is there purely to model things that take several steps to complete. Let’s call the former “application models”, and the latter “workflow state”.

For user authentication, we might define:


We create an auth-request when the user starts the authentication process, and an auth when the user redirects back. If the user doesn’t come back after a few minutes, perhaps we have some cleanup to do. We may want to delete the auth request, or update it with a status that will be helpful later on.

(NB: “status” database columns are tells: they give away that the model in question is acting as workflow state, as opposed to an application model.)

We might also define functions like create-auth-request and create-auth to create or wrap up the process, and a cleanup-auth-requests to periodically handle incomplete requests. These functions, together with the supporting state, make up the authentication workflow.

This is a “durable workflow” pattern: a combination of functions and persistence. Persistence is there to keep track of intermediate steps that compose the overall workflow.

In this post, we will implement a durable authentication workflow with Temporal, which handles workflow state and behavior conveniently.

In the large, Temporal is a workflow orchestration tool for orchestrating work in complex microservice architectures. In the small, it lets you write durable workflows as functions, which can block without tying up a thread, and which can be started in one process and completed in another.

Although this is example is simple, it shows how we can implement applications that have resources with long-running setup, potentially involving other systems or people in the loop.

Auth colors

So what are authentication’s “colors”?


The sync variant (blue) is simplest to use and appropriate for applications where we can afford to block. The async variant (red) is best for large response payloads, where we may want to have lots of requests going on at the same time. (This is tricky anyway because of rate limiting.)

And we have a brand new color: green, for durable workflow authentication :)

OAuth2 workflow

The steps in the Oauth2 authorization code grant involves a resource server, an authorization server, and a client application, as shown in the image below.


When a user tries to access a protected resource, they are redirected to a login page. This login link contains a “state” parameter, later validated by the client when the user is redirected back with an authorization code.

If the state parameter is OK, the client exchanges the auth code for an access token and refresh token. Access tokens are valid for a short time period - for Google, it’s an hour - and can be refreshed by changing the grant_type and passing the refresh token. Refresh tokens validity is typically undocumented, but they seem to last many months or even years.

Web application store access tokens and refresh tokens in the database in an encrypted format, like a password. On every request to a protected resource, the client checks if the access token is still valid, and refreshes it otherwise.


we want to create an application that allows the user to log in to Google with enough access scope to show the contents of a Google Sheet on screen.

Basic flow

If the user is unauthenticated, they should see a “Sign in with Google” button. Once redirected back, they should see a login link. When they click on this link, they should see the contents of the sheet. For purposes of this post, we will print the sheet as a JSON document on screen.

We want to implement this application as simply as possible. The authorization workflow should be a single function, which returns an access token.

In keeping with the simplicity idea, we would like to avoid creating database schemas for short-lived state management - in other words, avoid having models like auth-request, which are not part of the application’s functionality.

The basic pattern I have been exploring recently is similar to the one used by yum brands: use the database for models that are significant to the application, keep workflow state in Temporal.

Oh and we want the app process to be observable.


You can find the code here.

The first step is to create a client in Google Cloud, and set the redirect URL to http://localhost:8080/redirect, retaining the client ID and secret.

In deps.edn, we use HappyAPI v0.1.3 and the unifica/temporal library, which uses the Manetu Clojure SDK and adds some convenience functions that make it easier to use with Biff. The remaining dependencies are out of the box.

In resources/config.edn, we configure the HTTP client and JSON library to the ones used by Biff. (Clj-HTTP / Cheshire). This configurability is one of the innovative things about HappyAPI.

	{:google {:deps            [:clj-http :cheshire]
			  :client_id       #biff/env HAPPYAPI_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
			  :client_secret   #biff/env HAPPYAPI_GOOGLE_SECRET
			  :redirect_uri    "http://localhost:8080/redirect"
			  :scopes          []
			  :keywordize-keys true}}

We load and validate this configuration on application startup using HappyAPI’s prepare-config function.

(defn use-happyapi-config
  "Expand happyapi configuration"
  [{:keys [happyapi/config] :as ctx}]
  (let [config (->> (for [[provider] config]
                      [provider (happyapi/prepare-config provider config)])
                    (into {}))]
    (assoc ctx :happyapi/config config)))

The spreadsheet ID is in an environment variable called GSHEETS_SHEET_ID.

 :gsheets/spreadsheet-id #biff/env "GSHEETS_SHEET_ID"

Our application will create an auth with an access token. Here is the malli schema:

{:auth/id :uuid
 :auth [:map {:closed true}
	   [:xt/id              :auth/id]
	   [:auth/provider      :keyword]
	   [:auth/user          :user/id]
	   [:auth/access_token  :string]
	   [:auth/refresh_token :string]
	   [:auth/scope         :string]
	   [:auth/token_type    :string]
	   [:auth/created_at    inst?]
	   [:auth/expires_at    inst?]]}


The home page displays a link to a spreadsheet if we are authenticated, and allows us to start an authentication otherwise.

(defn home-page [{:keys [biff/db app/get-user] :as ctx}]
  (let [user (get-user ctx)
        auth (biff/lookup db :auth/user user)]
     [:h1 "HappyAPI + Temporal"]
      (if auth
        [ {:href "/spreadsheet"} "Show spreadsheet"]
        [ {:href "/start"} "Start authentication"])])))

The start-auth function is initiates an authentication process. It uses the spreadsheets-get function from the happyapi-google library, which returns request data that can later be provided to a wrapped HTTP client. We are requesting the scopes necessary to get a single spreadsheet.

We call auth/start to obtain a login link given a user ID, provider and scope list, getting back a login URL. This URL should in theory be valid only for a minutes.

(defn start-auth [{:keys [biff/db] :as ctx}]
  (let [args   (sheets/spreadsheets-get nil) ;; hacky
        scopes (:scopes args)
        user   (biff/lookup-id db :user/email "")
        auth   (auth/start ctx {:user user
                                :provider :google
                                :scopes scopes})
        login-url (:login-url auth)]
     [:h1 "Start authentication"]
      [:a.btn {:href login-url} "Log in with Google"]])))

We could also have had the link pointing to an application endpoint, and redirect to Google once the user clicks. I would probably do this in a larger application to capture the user click event, but in this example we will render a link straight to Google and consider the auth started even if the user hasn’t yet clicked on it.

The finish-auth handler gets code and state strings from query params and passes them on to the auth/finish function.

(defn finish-auth [{:keys [query-params] :as ctx}]
  (let [{:strs [code state]} query-params
        result (auth/finish ctx {:code code :state state})])
  {:status 303
   :headers {"location" "/"}})

Next we will look at the implementation of auth/start and auth/finish, which both tie into a single Temporal authentication workflow.

Authentication workflow

The auth/start function checks parameters passed in by the user and starts the authentication workflow.

(defn start [ctx {:keys [user provider scopes] :as params}]
  (if (u/valid? ctx ::create params)
    (let [id (str (random-uuid))
          params (assoc params :state id)]
        (workflow/start ctx authentication {:id id :params params})
        {:login-url (get-link ctx params)}))
     {:type ::invalid-params
      :cause (u/explain ctx ::create params)})))

The auth/finish function is similar, but sends a ::callback signal, passing the auth code and state. (A signal is a named message with arguments, which the workflow can recognize and react to.)

(defn finish [ctx {:keys [code state] :as params}]
  (if (u/valid? ctx ::finish params)
    @(-> (workflow/start ctx authentication
                           {:id state
                            :signal ::callback
                            :signal-params params})
    (throw+ {:type ::invalid-params
             :explain (u/explain ctx ::finish params)})))

By looking at the last two functions, you can se that workflow/start is the single entrypoint to either starting a workflow or continuing a workflow that is already running. This is one of the key design decisions of Temporal, and it takes some time to get used to. It is also what makes it powerful: a long-running workflow (function) can be started by one process and then picked up by another, perhaps on a different machine.

The rule is that a workflow with a given ID is only runs once at a time. If that workflow is stopped - in our example, it stops while waiting for an auth code - it can be restarted by sending a signal to it.

We create a random UUID to start the workflow, and then get the same ID back from Google as the state parameter. We will see this later in the UI later.

The authentication workflow itself is implemented using the defworkflow macro. It defines a function and registers it with the Temporal cluster, in one go. The workflow declares an internal state atom, defines a signal handler, and then waits until the state atom contains an access token. This waiting step parks the workflow, and it is possible to have thousands of parked workflows concurrently.

(defworkflow authentication [{:keys [state] :as wf-args}]
  ;; Use workflow arguments as initial workflow state
  (let [wf-state (atom wf-args)]

    ;; Exchange code on callback signal
     (fn [signal-name {:keys [state] :as args}]
       (when (= (keyword signal-name) ::callback)
         (let [expected (:state @wf-state)
               result   (if (= state expected)
                          @(a/invoke exchange-code (merge @wf-state args))
                          (throw+ {:type ::invalid-state
                                   :state state
                                   :expected expected
                                   ::te/non-retriable true}))]
           (swap! wf-state merge result)))))

    ;; Wait until we have an access token
     (fn []
       (some? (:access_token @wf-state))))

    @(a/invoke persist-auth @wf-state)

    ;; Return state to show in the UI

Internally, the Temporal cluster works using event sourcing and checkpointing the results of “activities”, which are functions dedicated to interacting with the outside world and which should only be run once. When a running workflow receives a signal to restart, it will replay its internal state changes and the results of previously run activities.

It is important to understand the way Temporal works, becuase it constrains the way workflows are built and versioned. Once you get it, it starts being kind of second nature.

Let’s get our auth on

To see it working, we start Temporal and the application

temporal server start-dev
clj -M:dev dev

When we navigate to the application, we see the start page


The Temporal server at localhost:8233 has no running workflows.


When we click “start authentication”, we see the login link.


One workflow is running!


Clicking on the link takes us to Google, where we can choose the account…


Add permissions…


Now we have credentials stored in the database, and we can see the “Show spreadsheet” link.


With these credentials, we can show the contents of the spreadsheet as JSON. Sheet unlocked!


The corresponding workflow is now finished. We will click on it.


The timeline view shows the time the link was active, the callback signal, and then the exchange-code and persist-auth activities.


Below the timeline there is an Event History section. It shows a sequence of events which compose the workflow execution. WorkflowExecutionStarted, WorkflowExecutionCompleted, and WorkflowExecutionSignaled record the arguments passed into and out of the workflow.

Similarly, ActivityTaskScheduled and ActivityTaskCompleted record arguments passed into and out of any activities that the workflow calls.


In our example, the first few events were replayed twice: once when we started the workflow, and once when we continued it. The UI does not have any way to indicate which events were run many times; it’s supposed to be an internal detail.

Let’s look at the WorkflowExecutionCompleted event to see workflow output:


We can’t see anything! The result shown here is base64-encoded, nippy-encoded edn data.

Temporal can issue a CORS request to a “codec server” to decode this for display. I wrote a simple codec server ring handler which thaws the payload data and sends the result over the wire.


Once selected, the browser will fire off OPTIONS and POST /codec/decode requests. The decoded version shows the contents of the wf-state atom, which we returned from the workflow.


What we did

  1. Started a workflow -> created a state UUID -> created a link
  2. Clicked on the link and got redirected back
  3. Checked the state UUID, got an access token, and persisted it to the DB.

We got some of the simplicity of the original implementation back. The defworkflow is guaranteed to return either an access token or an error. But it also scales well and we can deploy many instances of our application behind a load balancer without worry.

It was pretty easy to track using the UI, and even introspect state at various points during the workflow.


Clojure stack traces are long, and Temporal re-runs workflows fast and often, so it’s doubly hard to find out what’s going on from looking at the logs. The Temporal UI helps a lot here. In practice, I’m looking more at the UI and less at the logs.

In some cases stack traces are exceeding the maximum size allowable by Temporal, which is something I need to look into more.

Workflow code is loaded when the Temporal worker starts; to reload code, I have to reload the application’s middleware. Biff provides a refresh task for this purpose which does the trick, meaning it’s not necessary to quit the REPL. It’s still not as fluid as it woudl otherwise be.

On the flip side, the retries provided by Temporal can make the REPL experience kind of magical too: if I define a var for debugging, it will get a value from one of the retries right away. I don’t have to leave the editor.


“Green” durable workflows are useful not only for authentication, but for lots of other applications that involve non-trivial processes that involve many systems and manual steps.

Low-code tools like Make and n8n are popular at least partly because writing these kinds of systems tends to be hard and error-prone. It is easy to lose clarity in the process that is being modeled.

At Unifica, we are using Temporal heavily to connect APIs in valuable business workflows. We prefer code-based solutions to low-code, since they are more powerful, scale better to more complex scenarios, and are more easy to test.

Get in touch if you have a complex integration challenge and you think Temporal / Clojure might be a good fit.